
BelBi 2024

Prof. Fimmel is member of the international advisory board of the forthcoming 5th BelBi Conference 2024 in Belgrad (Serbia). For information see BelBi2024


Datum 26-4-24

Training school on "The riddle of the genetic code"

For three days (May 1- 3, 2024) members of the competence center will organise a training school on aspects of the genetic code in Mülheim an der Ruhr. Professors Fimmel and Strüngman are members of the European COST action CA21169 - Information, Coding, and Biological Function: the Dynamics of Life (DYNALIFE) - and as such will be the main organisors of the training school. Six invited researchers from differnet countries who are experts in different fields like Biology, Mathematics, Computer Science, Bioinformatics and Statistics will give introductory courses to their field in relation to the genetic code. A list of 15 international trainees (mostly PhD students or young post docs) will attend the courses. The school will be held in the catholic academy "Die Wolfsburg" in Mülheim an der Ruhr. 

Software package CodonPairSelector released

The software package "CodonPairSelector is released and available here.


BelBi 2023

Members of CAMMBIO are invited speakers at the 4th BelBi Conference 2023 in Belgrad (Serbia). For information see BelBi2023


Software packages gcatconductance released

The software package "GCAT Conductance" for the R platform is released and available for download here. It enables the analysis of the robustness of the genetic code against point mutations with the the statistical software R.


Software packages gcatbase and gcatcirc released

The software packages "GCAT Base" and "GCAT Circular" for the R platform are released and available for download here and here. These tools enable the analysis of the genetic code and circular codes with the the statistical software R.


Workshop about the structure of the genetic code

Prof. Ádám Kun (right) and Prof. Paweł Błażej (left) visited the cammbio institute in June 2022 for a workshop about the structure of the genetic code organized by Elena Fimmel, Lutz Strüngmann and Markus Gumbel.

Erasmus internship for Giulia Varvarà

Giulia Varvarà visited the HS Mannheim as an Erasmus intern from Mai to July 2021. She worked on a project about the error detection and correction during the translation of the genetic genome.

Software package ccmotif released

The initial version of the software package "Circular Codes Motifs" is released and available for download here.


DAAD scholarship for Ms. Ariane Gabriel Tallee Kakeu

Ms. Ariane Gabriel Tallee Kakeu from the University of Dschang (Cameroon) has been granted a DAAD scholarship within the Bi-natioally supervised PhD programme and will be vsiting our University from October 2020 till September 2021.


Special issue "Foundations of Mathematics and Theoretical Biology"

Special issue "Foundations of Mathematics and Theoretical Biology" edited by Professor Elena Fimmel with articles by Professor Dr. Lutz Strüngmann and Professor Dr. Elena  Fimmel appeared in BioSystems


Martin Starman defends his PhD Thesis

Martin Starman's cooperative doctorate with the University of Strasbourg entitled "Circular codes in the evolution of the genetic code" was successfully defended.


Project on Quantum Information Approach For Modelling Genetic Code

The project with the title "Is Quantum Information Approach Suitable For Modelling Genetic Code?" is  being conducted by Professor Dr. Elena Fimmel in cooperation with the  Laboratory of biomechanical systems of the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, and funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for six months  starting in September 2021.


7th International Conference on Code Biology postponed

The forthcoming 7th International Conference on Code Biology (Luznica, Croatia) which was scheduled for June 2nd - June 6th, 2020 will be postponed for one year due to the current Corona situation.

Members of the competence center had been invited to the conference for giving main talks and will be happy to partcipate next year.


CAMMBIO welcomes three new scientific assistants

The competence center welcomes Mr. Hadi Saleh, Mr. Gabriel Anglade and Mr. Simon Schwarz as new scientific assistants. All three of them are students of our University and will be involved in the center's research activities concerning the genetic information.

Special Issue on "Foundations of Mathematics and Theoretical Biology"

Members of CAMMBIO are co-editors and authors of the highly interesting special issue "Foundations of Mathematics and Theoretical Biology" that will be published in the Elsevier journal BioSystems

"While any physical theory that deserves the name comprises a mathematical foundation, which intermediate between its theoretical principles and empirical measurements, mathematical methods are presently used in Biology rather as auxiliary tools, which help theorizing without playing the same constitutive role in it."  

This comparison between Mathematical Physics and Mathemagtical Biology calls for a number of questions, some of which have a philosophical flavour. Should Biology use Physics as a paradigm of successful theoretical science and apply Mathemagtics according to the same modalities? Does Mathematics successfully applied in today's Physics suits the needs of Theoretical Biology or Biology requires new mathematical theories that would better suit its specific tasks?

For more information please see

Third International Conference «Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Education»

Prof. Dr. Elena Fimmel has been invited speaker with a talk on "Development of Models of Quantum Biology Based on the Tensor Product of Matrices" and a member of the International Program Committee of the Third International Conference «Artificial Intelligence, Medical Engineering, Education» (AIMEE2019, 1-3 October 2019, Moscow,, as well as a member of the International Program Committee of the International Conference "Computer Science, Digital Economics, Intellectual Systems" (, 4-6 October 2019, Moscow).

HiWis im Bereich Softwareentwicklung gesucht

(this section is only available in German)

Wir haben ab sofort HiWi-Stellen (bis zu 10 Stunden pro Woche, bis zu einem Jahr) für Bachelor- oder Master-Studierende der Informatik, Informationstechnik oder Biotechnologie zu vergeben. Außerdem haben wir spannende Themen für eine Abschlussarbeit anzubieten. Wenn ihr Interesse an der Softwareentwicklung im biomedizinischen Umfeld habt und euch R, Python und maschinelles Lernen Spass macht, dann meldet Euch bei

The Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Code Biology Society was organized by professors of the Cammbio

For one week, more than 30 scientists from 17 countries discussed topics ranging from biology, computer science and mathematics to linguistics and philosophy. The 6th international conference on code biology was sponsored by the German Research Foundation and took place in Friedrichsdorf near Frankfurt. The team around Professors Fimmel und Strüngmann from the competence center Cammbio of the HS Mannheim was happy about the numerous talks around the Codes of Life and about the successful realization of the event.

The international Code Biology Society ( was founded in 2012 by the renowned scientist Prof. Marcello Barbieri and brings together internationally renowned scientists from more than 20 countries and different scientific disciplines (including biology, bioinformatics, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biosemiotics, cognitive linguistics, philosophy) who are committed to the study of codes of life, from genetic codes to cultural codes. In 2014, the first annual meeting of the Society was held in Paris ( Since then, the scientists have met regularly for annual conferences in Jena (Germany), Urbino (Italy), Köszeg (Hungary) and Granada (Spain). It was a particular pleasure that the Society's sixth annual conference was now held in Germany and that the HS Mannheim was also able to present itself as an internationally recognized location for research in this field (

The conference was attended by scientists from Italy, France, the USA, South Africa, Mexico, Brazil, Serbia, Croatia, Poland, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Hungary, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Germany, and New Zealand.

Software section available

We have a new section about our software package. See menu Research/Software or follow this link.

The competence center receives funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG)

The competence center receives funding from the German Research Foundation (DFG) for organizing the next Code Biology conference in June 2019. Local organizors will be Professor Dr. Elena Fimmel and Professor Dr. Lutz Strüngmann.

Prof. Dr. Lutz Strüngmann has been invited speaker at the "All-Russian Youth School-Conference Lobachev Readings-2018"

Professor Dr. Lutz Strüngmann has been invited speaker at the "All-Russian Youth School-Conference Lobachev Readings-2018" which took place in Kazan (Russia) from November 25th - 28th. Professor Strüngmann presented a talk on "Near-isomorphism for bounded completely decomposable groups".


New collaboration on virtual reality software

Professor Dr. Lutz Strüngmann has participated in the 1st international meeting of Neotrie VR in Almeria (Spain) (see starting a new collaboration on virtual reality software.


The Competence Center for Algorithmic and Mathematical Methods in Biology, Biotechnology and Medicine invites to the talk:

“The structure of the genetic code as an optimal graph clustering problem”

Time/Place:20. September 2018, 15:30 h, Building A, Room 206
Speaker:Dr. Paweł Błażej
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Biotechnology, University of Wroclaw


Visitor from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta (USA)

In September 2018 Dr. Gabor Braun from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta (USA) has been visiting our Competence Center for three weeks in order to work with Professor Dr. Lutz Strüngmann on new cryptographic algorithms with in a research project funded by the Vector Foundation.

Members of the Cammbio are invited spreakers on the Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference

Members of the Cammbio are invited spreakers on the Belgrade Bioinformatics Conference (BelBi 2018) from 18 to 22 June 2018.

Welcome Dr. Fabian Siegel

The members of the Competence Center are pleased to welcome Dr. Fabian Siegel as a new associated member at Cammbio.

Welcome PD Dr. Philipp Erben

The members of the Competence Center are pleased to welcome PD Dr. Philipp Erben as a new associated member at Cammbio.

Members of the Cammbio are invited spreakers on the Fifth International Conference in Code Biology

Members of the Cammbio are invited spreakers on the Fifth International Conference in Code Biology in Granada (Spain) 5-9 June 2018.

The Sixth International Conference in Code Biology 2019 will take place in Mannheim.

Members of the Cammbio are new members of the Governing Board of the International Code Biology Society